jueves, 10 de mayo de 2018


Polo que me conta un protaghonista aínda vivo, todo o ghrupo de amighos subeu por este camiño da esquerda.

According to a protagonist who is still alive, the whole group of friends went up this path, on the left.

Lus e sombra abraçan ao camiñante.

The light and the shade embrace the walker.

Tempo de vendima. 

It´s grape harvest time.

Xente ao lonxe.

People in the distance.

É neçesario explicar que cando ocorreron estes feitos en Nebra, do 22 de maio de 1940 ou, 1941, había tres tabernas nesta aldea. Perduraron ata varias décadas despois.

It must be said that at the time of this adventure in Nebra, August 15, 1940 or 1941, there were three taverns in the village. These taverns, persisted for many decades.

A da dereita, que está máis alta, era a "taberna da Pena", quiçais daquela a coneçeran con outro nome. Aínda hoxe, conserva este nome. E, moitos anos despois desta historia, casou aquí Fulghençio de "A Estanqueira" de Cures-Boiro. 


A outra casa chamada "de Mariño", está máis baixa polo desnivel do terreo. Eles son os desçendentes ou se cadra, 

a familia directa que tiña a taberna do medio. Coneçíana como a "taberna de Mariño". Ademáis da taberna, tiña baile. E, na horta por detrás da casa, había mesas loncas e bancos para sentarse, onde a xente comía e bebía cando façía bo tempo. 

A Pena's Tavern or, the tavern of A Pena, perhaps at that time it had another name. Today, it still retains this name. Later, after many years, Fulgencio of "A Estanqueira", from Cures-Boiro, was married here

Mariño's house, is lower due to the irregularity of the ground. T
hey are descendants or, in any case, 

their direct family that had the middle tavern. It was known as the "Mariño´s tavern". In addition to the tavern, there was ball or dance. And in the orchard behind the tavern there were long tables and benches to sit on, where people ate and drank when the weather was nice.

Nestas tabernas, aparte do mostrador, tiñan mesas e banquetas para sentarse, durante todo o ano.

Co paso do tempo, pecharon como estableçementos públicos e, quedaron só como vivendas.

A taberna de baixo, con estanco, ¿tamén ultramarinos?, perdurou ata prinçipios do ano dous mil. Estaba situada enfronte do muíño, perto do río. 


In these taverns, in addition to the counter, there were tables and chairs for the clients, throughout the year.

Over time they came to close as public establishments and, they only remained as private homes.

The tavern below, with tobacco shop, also grocery or corner store / corner shop?, lasted until the beginning of the year two thousand. It was located in front of the mill, where the river runs.

Arredores da contorna, antes de que o ghrupo se encamiñara para o campo das festas parroquiais.

Immediate surroundings, before the group took the path to reach the field of parish celebrations or partys.

Casa e horta, posiblemente dun parente dos "da Pena".

Orchard with a variety of fruit trees and a house, perhaps of a relative of "A Pena".

Boqueira da horta.

Orchard entrance. 

Ou, tal vés é esta a vivenda do familiar, co terreo arredor. 

Maybe that family member's house, with its surrounding ground, is this one.

Subida norde.

North ascent. / North rise. / To the north. 

Casa vella de pedra,
Old stone house,

xunto á casa nova do mesmo dono.
 next to the new house of the same owner.

Laçena das abellas neste pinche da casa, para obter mel. Esta estrutura pode ser unha ou dúas pedras saíntes, furadas, por onde as abellas saen a traballar e volven entrar. No interior da casa, xusto nesa parede, xeralmente hai un oco cadrado ou rectanghular, que ten dentro dous paus en crus. A abertura está tapada cunha tapa de madeira con asa. As abellas, teñen o enxamio onde está a raíña. Aquí fabrican o mel, que cando chegha o tempo de rabechar, a xente da casa afuma a laçena desde dentro para recoller (rabechar) o mel. Cóllense as entenas que están desde a crus de pau, ata a tapa. E, déixanse as entenas que hai desde a crus ata o fondo da parede. Logho, xa metidas as entenas en tarteiras ou olas, coçeranse ao lume para licualo e coarlle as impureças cun coador, un trapo limpo etç.

Structure made on purpose in the wall of houses to live a hive. = "Laçena de abellas". It consists of one or two stones that protrude and are perforated, where the bees leave to go to work and re-enter. Inside the house, right on that wall, there is usually a square or rectangular hole, which has two crossed sticks inside. The opening is covered by a wooden lid with a handle. The bees have the swarm where the queen is. There they make honey, and when the time comes, the people of the house from inside, fills with smoke this place to collect honey. We clarify that only the honeycombs between the wooden cross and the lid are collected. But the others from the cross to the final part of the interior are left behind. Afterwards, already deposited the honeycombs in pots or pans, they will be cooked over the fire to liquefy it. Then, their impurities are filtered with a sieve, a clean cloth etc.


We continue.

Vaise perçibindo algho detrás da vexetaçión.

Something is discovered among the forest. 

Casa con hórreo mixto de pedra e, madeira.

A house, with a mixed granary of stone and wood, on stone pillars


We come back.

Baixada ao camiño prinçipal. 

Descent that goes to the main path.

Peche da horta, dos da Pena. 

Wall and fence of the vegetable garden of A Pena.

O ghrupo de amighos encamíñase cara ao campo das festas parroquiais. 

The group of friends goes to the field of parochial celebrations or, festivals.

Parede da rectoral de Nebra. 

Wall of the priest´s house or, of the house of the priest, in the parish of Nebra.

Balcón da rectoral, con porta de madeira por debaixo.

Priest´s house balcony or, balcony of the priest´s house, with a wooden door underneath.

Portal de acçeso.

Portal of entry.

Entrada ao fondo, do campo das festas parroquias. Ata non hai moitos anos, activo.

In the background, entrance to the field of parochial celebrations or parties. Not long ago, it was still used.

Entrada ao campo da festa, 

Entrance to the field of ​​parish celebrations or, parties,

coa fachada este da ighrexa.

with the east facade of the church.

A casa de Mariño. Posiblemente sexa familia directa dos antighos propietarios da taberna do medio, chamada "taberna de Mariño".

Mariño's House. Possibly it is a direct family of the former owners of the tavern of the middle, called "Mariño´s tavern".


Antigha taberna "da Pena". Pode ser que antes tivera outro nome. Tamén coneçida como a "taberna de riba". Na actualidade, só é vivenda particular, nomeada casa da Pena.

The old tavern of A Pena. Maybe it had another name. It was also known as the tavern above. Currently, this is only private housing, called the house of A Pena or, A Pena´s House.

Horta da casa de Mariño. E, A Enxa, Monte Enxa ou, Monte da Enxa, ao fondo.

Orchard and vegetable garden of Mariño´s House. And, "A Enxa", the mount Enxa, Enxa´s Mount or, Mount of the Enxa, in the background.

Escaleiras á rectoral.

Stairs to go to the priest's house.

Parte do campo das festas parroquiais, coa fachada este da ighrexa. 

A part of the field of the parochial celebrations or parties, with the east facade of the church.

Pinche sur, con cruçeiro en fóra. 

South side, with a stone cross ("cruçeiro") outside. 

Vista sudeste ou, sureste.

South-east view.

Baixada polas escaleiras, ao camiño.

Descente of the stairs, towards the path. 

Espeçie de vigha de piedra que sobresae pola fachada este. Por esta particularidade, aos de Nebra, conéçena como "os da vigha atravesada." 

A type of stone beam that comes out from the east facade. Due to this curiosity, the people of Nebra are known as "those of the traversed beam or, traversed rafter".  

Un reloxo de sol perto ou preto da esquina, na parte de riba.

A sundial near the corner, at the top.

Anexo da rectoral.

Added to the priest's house.

Diferentes encadres deste enghadido.

Different approaches to this annex.

Imos dar a volta arredor da ighrexa. 

We go around the church.

Enfoque noroeste - norde.

Focus northwest - north.

Lado norde da construcçión.

North side of this building.

Fronte oeste.

West facade. 

 camposanto antigho
old cemetery

Casas en baixo.

Houses at the bottom.

Vista suroeste. 

South-west view.

Vista sur.

South view. 

Virando no adro, cara ao sur. 

Turning in the atrium, to the south.

O campo das festas parroquiais, mirando de oeste a leste. En fronte, está a casa de Mariño e, a antigha taberna da Pena, respectivamente.

The parish field of ​​festivals or celebrations, observing from west to east. In front, there is the Mariño´s House and, the A Pena´s tavern, respectively.