domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2018



O centeo aínda está verde, e sen medrar de todo. Fai un día caluroso e, non se move unha palla. 

The rye is still green, and without growing in all its fullness. It is a hot and nothing moves.

O vento abaneando o çenteo, en forma de ondas nun día chuvioso.

The wind moving the rye, in the form of waves on a rainy day.

Noutro día, volve o sol. E o centeo móvese maxestuoso, co aire.
On another day, the sun returns again. Ant the rye moves majestically, with the air.

O centeo xa está bastante medrado. Aghora é tempo de madurar. Véxanse entre os pés, alghúns "pampillos" (son un tipo de margharidas, con flores amarelas, que teñen follas alternas dentadas e talos ramalludos.)

Rye is already quite grown. Now it´s time to mature. See between their feet, some yellow plants called "pampillos" (they are a type of daisy, with yellow flowers. which have alternating toothed leaves and stems with branches.) 

Os nenos e nenas façían colares con elas, quitando o talo e furando cunha palla ou herba, o coraçón da flor. Entón, íbase enchendo esa palla ou herba, cos pampillos sen talos.

The boys and girls made necklaces with them, removing the stem and, piercing with a straw or grass, the heart of the flower. Then the straw or the grass was filled with these flowers. 

O cereal xa está maduro, entre os viñedos e o millo. 
The cereal is already ripe, between the vineyards and the corn.

Deçidiron apañar o centeo, hoxe xoves pola tarde, día 19 de xullo. Na actualidade, empreghan a seghadora.

They decided to cut the rye, today Thursday afternoon, July 19. Nowadays, they use the reaper machine.

Apáñase coma se nada (axiña e fáçil).

They cut it without effort (fast and easy).

Enténdese que a leira está limpa de pedras.

It is understood that the cultivated field is free of stones.

Arromban o centeo, pero non o fan ao xeito tradiçional (en monllos ou monlladas e, de pé). Porque o sábado 21 de xullo, xa fan a malla. Simplemente, déixano tirado no chan, e sen atar, mais ben colocado para logho collelo ben. 

It is necessary to place the rye in its proper position. But, they do not do it in the traditional style (tied armfuls and, standing on the cut part). Because, on July 21, they already do the rye´s malla festival. They simply leave it on the ground and, untied, but well placed because in this way, they will pick it up in the proper way.

Case están rematando de seghalo centeo. Quédalle unha touça pequena.

They are almost finishing reaping the rye. They have a reduced area.

Nótese o contraste entre o centeo maduro, e o resto do mundo vexetal aínda verde, como as viñas, os frutais, o millo, a herba etç.

See the contrast between ripe rye, and the rest of vegetable world, still green,  such as the forest, vineyards, fruit trees, corn, grass, etc.

Xa case remataron. 

They are almost done. 

NOTA: Pola redonda, a esta fase do apañado, chámaselle: "Façer a restreba=Apañar o centeo=Façer a segha do çenteo." 

NOTE: In this surrounding area of ​​influence, to the phase of trimming or cutting the rye, it is denominated: "To do the restreba or To do the stubble" = "Apañar the rye, To harvest the rye or To gather the rye" = "To do the rye reaping or To do the rye cutting ".

Vanse coa máquina seghadora para subir ao furghón. É xoves, 19 de xullo do 2018, pola tardiña.

They take the reaper machine, to get on the van. It's Thursday, July 19, 2018 in the afternoon, but it's getting late.

Estamos a sábado, 21 de xullo de 2018, arredor das 10:33 horas da mañán. Cheghou a máquina de mallar, tirada dun tractor. 

We are on Saturday, July 21, 2018, around 10:33 in the morning. The "mallar" machine pulled by a tractor, arrived.

PARÉNTESE: A partir dos anos 1950 ou 1954, deixouse a malla tradiçional dos manlles, porque apareçeu a primeira máquina de mallar. Esta, tiña tres partes: a máquina en sí, o motor e a "erghuedeira" = peneira, pineira ou cribo que se acçionaba manualmente por medio dunha manivela. (Non confundir coa "erghuedeira" da malla tradiçional: lenço, sábana ou tea). Xeralmente, cando acarrexaban estas tres partes, tamén traían unha lona, que viña sendo a antigha "erghuedeira" ou tea. Cada unha das tres partes, transportábase por separado, en carro de vacas. Realmente, o motor estaba montado e fixo nun carro todo o ano, porque pesaba moito. No motor, enghanchábase unha polea que cheghaba hastra a máquina, e façía que traballara. Puñan a lona no chan, para que caera a palla e o ghran ou fruto. Entón, recollían a palla do chan, e abaneábana para que o ghran caera totalmente sobor esa tea forte ou lona. Logho, varríase e botábase nun balde e, iba á "erghuedeira" = peneira, pineira ou cribo, movida manualmente. Unha máquina antighua deste tipo (tres partes), tíñaa Xan Domincos de Queiruga, do lughar de Hermo, aldea de A Meán, parroquia de Cures, Boiro.

PAUSE: From the 1950s or perhaps 1954, the traditional "malla" of the "manlles" (sticks to hit the cereal), was abandoned because the "mallar" machine appeared. This last, had three parts: the machine itself, the engine and the "erghuedeira" = winnow, crib or colander that was manually operated by a crank. (Do not confuse this name with the "erghuedeira" of the traditional "malla": sheet, linen or fabric). Generally, when they transported these three parts, they also brought a canvas that is the equivalent of the old "erghuedeira" or, fabric. Each of the three parts was transported separately, in a cows cart. Actually, the engine was mounted and fixed in a cows cart, throughout the year, because it weighed a lot. In the engine, a pulley was attached to the machine, and made it work. They put the canvas on the ground, so that on it, the straw and the grain or fruit would fall. Then, they picked the straw from the ground, they wagged it so that the grain fell completely on this strong cloth or canvas. Then, they sweeped it and throw it into a basin and empty it in the "erghuedueira" = peneira, pineira or cribo, moved manually. An old machine of this type (three parts), was owned by a countryman, called Xan Domincos de Queirugha (roughly translated as John Sundays of Heather), neighbor of the place of Hermo, village of A Meán, parish of Cures, Boiro.

A xente ordea o centeo no chan, para más tarde cando haba (=haxa) que botalo á máquina. 

People order the rye on the ground, for later, when they have to throw it into the machine.

Todos están ocupados nesta tarefa. 

Everyone is busy in this task.

No país ghalegho, as terras en propiedade son de dimensións pequenas, debido ao reparto en herdança a tódolos fillos de cada familia. Coa concentraçión parçelaria, aghrúpanse máis terreos, pero non son latifundios.

In the Galician country, the property lands are of small dimensions, due to the inheritance distribution of all the children of each family. With the land consolidation, the lands are grouped more, but they are not large states or latifundias. 

As plantas do cereal, teñen que estaren todas colocadas nun mesmo sentido.

The cereal plants must all be in the same direction.

Cada ves (a cada momento que pasa), vai cheghando máis xente para arrombar o centeo.

Every time (every moment that passes), more people are arriving to prepare the rye.

Rematouse este labor. E, aghora toca nivelar a "malladora" (máquina de mallar), e tamén o tractor.

This work is over. And, now it is necessary to level the "malladora" ("mallar" machine) and also the tractor. 

Escáñase na parte máis alta do terreo onde se vai situar a roda da máquina e, do tractor. Todo esto, se fixera falta, claro.

It is dug in the highest part of the ground where the wheel of the machine is going to be located, as well as the tractor. All this process, if necessary, of course. 

Escañando para a roda. Outro amigho, baixa a espeçie de "cambota" ou campana por onde sairán voando os pallusos da palla, e lixos de herba, pedriñas etç. 

Digging to seat the wheel. Another friend, lowers a kind of hood ("cambota" or campana) where the bits of very small straw, grass, pebbles, etc., will be thrown out.

Apañando centeo polos arrós ou arredores da leira, ao mesmo tempo que lle dan os últimos arrombos ao que xa estaba cortado. Á esquerda desta foto, un dos partiçipantes, limpando o tubo de aire e, outro escañando no chan. 

Cutting rye by the periphery of the field, at the same time that they give the last "arrangements" to the one that was already cut. To the left of this photo, one of the participants, cleaning the air tube and another digging in the ground.

Nesta foto, un moço está escañando no chan para nivelar a máquina. Á súa beira, atópase outro partiçipante enriba da "cambota" ou campana, mentres un terçeiro home camiña cunha vara. Simultáneamente, varias persoas á dereita da foto, están ocupándose do centeo. 

In this photo, a young man is digging on the ground to level the machine. Next to him, there is another participant above the hood, while a third man walks with a stick. Simultaneously, several people on the right of the photo, are dealing with rye.

Abrindo as tapas ou, mesa da máquina. 

Extending the covers or, machine table.  

Pondo o peldaño, onde se sitúa unha persoa para axudar a meter o centeo na máquina.

Putting the rung, where a person stands to help put the rye in the machine.

Empacadora para façer alpacas, neste caso, de centeo. 

Packing machine for bales. Today they will be done /¿made? with rye.

Vista do outro lateral e, parte de atrás da malladora. Esta última equivalente ao "recadén", (ou parte de atrás do carro das vacas).

Vue de l'autre côté de la machine et de la partie arrière de la machine.

Asentando roda do tractor, rodas da máquina e, 

Leveling the tractor wheel, machine wheels and,

colocando cacho de lona no punto onde vai caer o ghran ou fruto e, no que se porá un saco para recollelo.

placing a piece of canvas at the point where the grain or fruit will fall and where a bag will be placed to pick it up.

Véxase unha tapa invertida, de cor açul, para recoller o lixo (froito ou ghran, envolto e enmarañado con restos de herbas, de palla etç). 

See an inverted cover, blue in color, to collect the impurities (grain wrapped and matted with remains of herbs, straw etc).  

Vara para desatascar calquera atasco onde se preçise usar. E, xesta para varrer o ghran. 
Wooden rod to unclog any jam, where it is necessary to use. And broom, to sweep the grain. 

Façendo sitio para colocar o saco, onde caerá o fruto ou, ghran do centeo. 

Making room to place the sack, where the fruit or grain of the rye will fall.

Situándose e, preparándose. 

The driver maneuvers the tractor and prepares it for the task. 



Arrinca o tractor, que fai mover a transmisión e, 

The tractor is turned on, which makes the transmission move and,

esta, á súa ves, fai traballar a máquina de mallar.  

This, in turn, makes the "mallar" machine work.  


En funçionamento e, mallando. 


Pondo ben o saco, por onde sae o fruto. 

Putting the bag well, where the grain falls.

Proçeso en imaxes. 
Process en images. 

Acarrexando en braçadas ou, mandos.
Loading in armfuls.

Collendo coa forcada (horquilla) para acheghalo perto ou, preto do tractor. Outros xa os levan nos braços, ata a máquina. 

Taking it with the pitchfork, to bring it closer to the tractor. Others, however, carry it in their arms to the machine. 



Preparando o xantar.

Doing the midday or afternoon meal.

Dous amighos falando.

Two friends talking.

O coçiñeiro.

The cook.

Nenas na festa aghrícola.

Girls at the agricultural festival.

Xuntando a palla, para botar á empacadora e, façer alpacas.

He is piling up straw, to throw into the packing machine, which will bale. 

Material para a empacadora.

Material for the packing machine.

Desatascando a peneira ou pineira.

Unclogging the winnow.

Comprobando o balde co ghran de centeo.

Checking the container, with the rye grain.

Cada ves, xúntase máis palla.

Sometimes more straw is piled up. 


She is filming.

Mirando filtro de aire, e quitando pallas.

Looking at air filter, and removing straws.

Saco de centeo, no carro doutro tractor. 

Bag of rye in the trolley of another tractor.

Xesta para varrer o ghran.

Broom, to sweep the grain.



Desatastanco coa vara.  

Unclogging with the stick.

Apilando paja más pequeña.

Stacking smaller straw.

Envorcando o ghran do balde, no saco.

Pouring the grain from the container, into the sack.

Botando a planta do centeo á máquina.

Pouring the rye plant, to the machine.

Limpeça do tubo de aire. 

Cleaning the air tube.



Morea de alpacas. Repartiranas entre os que teñen ghando na casa.

Heap of bales. They will distribute them among those who have cattle at home.

Apañando centeo, onde non cheghou a seghadora.

Cutting some cereal plant, where the mowing machine did not arrive. 

Tres monllos (braçadas amarradas ou atadas) de palla de centeo, que se reservan para unha muller da aldea de Pascual, parroquia de Tállara, conçello de Lousame. Esta muller encarghóunos para façer sombreiros típicos de palla de centeo.  

Three tied of straw of rye, that are reserved for a woman of the village of Pascual, parish of Tállara, municipality of Lousame. This woman asked them for some straw, to make typical hats of rye straw.

O coçiñeiro, façendo un monllo ghrande que vai atar cun cordel. Esta palla, usaraia para cando teña que façer na casa, a caña (caña branca que, noutros lados coneçen como aghuardente. 

The cook, tying straw with a string, for when he has to make at home, grape liqueur.

Tapa invertida dun barril de plástico, donde caeu o ghran envolto en impureças (herbas, palliñas etç.), o cal non é aproveitable para moer. 

Inverted lid of a plastic barrel, where the grain wrapped in impurities (herbs, straws, etc.) fell, which is not usable to mill. 

Ensinando a forcada ou horquilla. 

Teaching the pitchfork.

Sacando a peneira ou pineira e, limpándoa.

Removing the winnow and, cleaning it.

Varrendo restos de pallas etç.

Sweep of pieces of straw etc.

Un neno montando unha eghoa, e detrás, vén o poldriño (fillo da éghoa).

A boy riding a mare and behind, comes the little foal (her baby).

Ghran enmarañado con impureças. É inservible para moer.

Matted grain with impurities, which is not usable to mill. 

Recollendo a maquinaria e, acçesorios. Colocan a pineira ou, peneira no seu sitio.

Picking up the machine and, the accessories. They place the winnow in its place. 

Pondo (Poñendo) a mesa e, façendo o xantar.   

Setting the table, and making the food. 

Apertando o carro, carghado de alpacas de centeo.  

Tie the cart, loaded with rye balls.

Levando a tarteira coa comida, para a mesa. 

Carrying the pot with food, for the table.


Cheghan novos amighos.

New friends arrive.



Máis amighos.

More friends.

Hórreo de pedra da Paradeira, antighamente coneçida como os do Macarallón. Penso que, as súas orixes, eran da casa da Eira.

The stone granary of A Paradeira, formerly known as Macarallón, and I think this family, by its origins, was from the house of A Eira. 

Ghran de centeo chamado "carbón". Este estado é causado por un fungho. Non serve para moer, xa que é moi tóxico, polo tanto, moi perighoso. Non hai moitas décadas, vendíanllo ás boticas, para elaboraren remedios para diversas enfermidades. 

Rye grain called "coal". This state is caused by the ergot (a fungus). It does not serve to mill, since it is very toxic, therefore, very dangerous. Not many decades ago, they sold it to pharmacies, which developed remedies for different diseases. 

A bodegha, coas súas distintas partes. 

The winery, with its different parts.   

Arado de rodas, na súa horta.

Plough with wheels, in her garden. / Wheeled plow in her garden.

Posiblemente, antigha capa dun muíño de río, que fai de pousadeiro para unha maçeta.  

Possibly, an old millstone of a river mill, which currently supports a pot.

Pía de pedra onde bebían os animais (ghando, porcos etç) ou, quiçais un vasieiro onde comía o ghando, en particular os porcos.  

Rectangular stone container. Here, it may be where the animals drank (cattle, pigs, etc.) or maybe that's where the animals ate, especially pigs. 

Unha sachadora. 

A scarifier.

Unha tina, façendo de maçeteiro.

A vat, used as a flowerpot stand.

Barril cortado á metade, para conter aghua.   

Barrel cut in half to contain water. 

Tinas boca abaixo. 

Face-down vats.

Arado de "rabelas". (Peças curvas de madeira situadas na parte posterior do arado, por onde se agharra para dirixilo.)

Plough of "rabelas". (Curved pieces of wood, located on the back of the plough, where it is held to direct it.)

Maçeteiros sobor o poste e, o muro. 

Planters on the post and, the wall.

Laterales do interior do hórreo, tapados con papel, para que non entren roedores ou outros bichos. 

Sides of the hórreo interior, covered with paper so that no rodents enter, and other bugs. 

Esquina dun cuberto das Chonas, hoxe noutras mans.

Corner of a shed, which was owned by As Chonas. Currently, it has another owner. 

Parte de atrás do hórreo, no que se envorcou o centeo. 

Dorsal facade of the stone granary, in which the rye was deposited. 

De volta, no campo da festa da malla. Desmontando mesas e bancos de sentarse. 

Of return, in the field of the festival of rye´s "malla" festival. Dismantling tables and benches to sit people.  

Máis compañeiros. 

More companions.

Rematando para marchar. 

Finishing to leave.