martes, 10 de abril de 2018


Retomamos o camiño sacramental. 

We return to the sacramental path.

Hórreos a ámbalas marxes. O da dereita é de Torrado. E o da esquerda é de O Ghaleo (hai outro máis antes deste).

Granaries on stone pillars on both sides. The one on the right belongs to Torrado. And the one on the left belongs to O Ghaleo (there is another one before this).

O sol alumeando polo leste, a case dúas horas para cheghar ao mediodía.

The sun shining in the east, to almost two hours to arrive at noon.

Hórreo de Chousa 

Granary on stone pillars which belongs to Chousa.

Na beira, entrando por unha "boqueira", hai un cuberto / alpendre / alboio / pendello, con dúas columnas de pedra. Estas, aghuantan de dúas vighas de madeira e, ao fondo apóiase nunha parede de pedra. 

Next, entering through a "mouth", there is a "shed or, hut" with two stone columns. These, supported by two wooden beams and, at the back are supported by a stone wall. 

No pinche leste, ten unha parede de perpiaño. O tellado é de fibroçemento, coas dúas vighas de madeira e uns traveseiros ou pontóns sobor as vighas. Nel, hai varios apeiros de labrança etç. 

On the east side wall, it has a wall of rectangular stones. The roof is made of fiber cement, with two wooden beams and some crossbeams os pontoons on the beams. In it, there are several farms implements etc.

Posiblemente dúas abeacas (en forma de V) na parede, para pór (poñer) nos lados do arado de pau e anchear o regho ao labrar. Dous arados de pau, tamén na parede, que conservan as rellas de ferro para abrir a terra. Alghún arado de pau máis, pousado na terra. 

Possibly two laterals for the plow stick (V-shaped) on the wall, to put on the sides of this implement and anchoring the furrow when tilling. Two wooden plows, also on the wall, that preserve the irons that open the earth. Some stick plow more, on the ground.

No chan, vemos unha ghrade de madeira, cos dentes de madeira. Unha sachadora de ferro no chan. Eixe do carro, coas rodas de madeira e as lámias de ferro, como é típico. Etç. 

On the ground, we observe a wooden harrow, with wooden teeth. An iron implement to open several grooves at once in the earth. Carriage axle, with wooden wheels and iron sheets, as is typical. Etc.

Hórreo de Chousa, visto desde esa pequena eira, onde está o alpendre. 

Granarie on stone pillars which belongs to Chousa, seen from the small field where is the "shed or hut".

Canaval de canas "indias". 

Reedbed of "hindu" reeds. 

Camiño de carro,

Cows cart road,

entre os hórreos de Chousa e, o do Ghaleo (vese completo). 

between the granaries on stone pillars, of Chousa and, that of O Ghaleo (it looks complet).

Pinche do hórreo do Ghaleo, co signo fálico e un pequeno peto. Á man dereita, no fondo, hórreo de Torrado coa porta de cor castaña. 

Side of O Ghaleo granary on stone pillars, with the phallic sign and a small box. To the right, in the background, Torrado granary on stone pillars with the brown door.

Seghuimos adiante. Hórreo de Torrado 

We continue forward. Granary on stone pillars, belonging to Torrado.

Ollada atrás. Construcçión anterior. 

Look back. Previous construction.

Retrospectiva, cos tres hórreos. 

Retrospective with the three granaries stone pillars.

Setembro 2016 / September 2016

Outubro 2017 / October 2017 

Setembro 2016 / September 2016 

Leiras na saída do Rueiro de Riba-Calo, con plantas chamadas aquí "chopos brancos" (de follas anchas) e, herbas "manteighueiras". Valado con postes de pedra, chantóns de madeira e arame. 

Farmland in the output of O Rueiro de Riba-Calo, with plants called here "chopos brancos" (broad-leaves), and herbs "manteighueiras". Fenced with stone posts, wood posts and wire.

Rabaño de ovellas paçendo nas plantas, as herbas e,

Flock of sheep grazing on plants, herbs and,

tamén entre os fieitos. 

also among the ferns.


Hoxe en día, hai unha casa nova no Rueiro de Riba-Calo, propiedade de Antonio de Bibiana. Hórreo perto / preto da casa. 

Today, there is a new house in O Rueiro de Riba-Calo, owned by Antonio de Bibiana. Granary on stone pillars near the house.

Imos algho para diante e, ollamos a man dereita. 

We advance something, and we look to the right.

Vemos postes de pedra en rincleira, con arame e alghún "cançelo" de metal. 

We see stone posts in a row, with wire and any "gate" metal

Ademáis, pódese apreçiar unha extensión de monte queimado no verán pasado.

You can see, in addition, an extension of the mount burned in the last summer.

A casa de "A suisa", que está no Rueiro de Baixo-Calo. A parella estivo en Suisa, e asentouse aquí. Na foto inferior, é a casa da esquerda mirando de fronte.

House of "A suisa" = "the Swiss", whic is located in O Rueiro de Baixo-Calo. The couple was in Switzerland, and settled in. In the bottom photo, is the house on the left loooking straight ahead.

Prado ou pradeira e, ondulaçión de "A Serra do Barbança", ao lonxe. É unha cadea montañosa.

Meadow and, undulation of "A Serra do Barbança" = "The Barbança Mountains", in the distance. It is a mountain range.

We continue. 

Casa nova de Antonio de Bibiana. 

Antonio de Bibiana´s new house.

Vista da ría de Muros-Noia, mirando desde este lughar do conçello de Porto do Son. Pode verse Monte Louro, como saínte desa península. 

View of the Muros-Noia estuary, looking from this place in the municipality of Porto do Son. You can see "Monte Louro" = "Louro Mountain or, Louro Hill", as a salient of that peninsula.

Terras que antes traballábanse, hoxe deixadas a campo ou, camposo. Vista do monte ao fondo. 

Ancient farmlands, now abandoned. View of the mountain in the background.

Retomamos a rota anterior. 

We go back to the previous way.

Baixamos e encontrámonos coa casa de "A suisa". Un matrimonio que retornou de Suísa a esta aldea de O Rueiro de Baixo. 

We went down and found the house of "the swiss". A marriage returned from Switzerland to this village, from O Rueiro de Baixo.

Parte de monte queimado no verán de 2017. 

Part of the mount burned in the summer of 2017.

Casa de Pepa de "O Carballal", que viñera casar aquí e proçedía da casa da Marica ou do Marico, de Cures-Boiro. 

Pepa´s house of "O Carballal", who came to marry here and, was originally from the house of "A Marica" or "O Marico", of Cures-Boiro.

Vista frontal. 

Front view.

Ollando ao norde. 

Looking north.


We go down.

Boqueira dunha leira, cunha cançela. 

Entrance of a field, with "door".

A baixada vai entre curvas e rectas. 

The descent goes between curves and straights.

Vista da ría. 

View of the estuary. 


Terras de cultivo, hoxe abandoadas. 

Today, farmland abandoned.

Cançela metálica. 

Metal "gate".

Aramado, con alghún tubo de ferro intercalado entre postes de pedra, turros e estribos de pedra que fan de aghuante. 

A fence with some iron pipes, alternating with stone posts, other main posts and stone stirrups for support.

Unha cançela de madeira, cun pequeno muriño de sostén. 

Wooden gate with a small stone wall for support.

Na marxe esquerda, apareçe un pequeno cruçeiro de pedra. 

On the left appears a small stone cruise.

Unha espeçie de "sebe" (mestura de chantóns de madeira, arame, travesas de madeira etç.) entrando atrás. Ao lonxe, podemos ver "A Enxa", ou "O Monte da Enxa".

A kind of "palisade" (mix of wooden poles, wire, crossbars, etc.), which enters in a semicircle. In the distance, you can see "The Enxa", or "The Enxa´s Mount", or "The Enxa´s Hill". 

Podemos comprobar que o cruçeiro ten escaleiras. 

We can see that the cruise has stairs.

Un cerrado, cerre ou, peche feito con chantóns de madeira e arame. 

A fence made with wooden poles and wire.

Ímonos açercando a outro tramo do recorrido. 

We are approaching another section of the route. 

Cerre ou peche de madeira.  

Wooden fence.

Ao lonxe, vista de "O Iroite" ou, "O Monte Iroite". Podemos ollar o fume dun lume. 

In the distance, view of "O Iroite" = "The Iroite" or, "The Iroite Mount or, The Iroite Hill". We can observe the smoke of a fire.

Muro de pedra típico. 

Typical stone wall.

Cançela feita con paus redondos, formada de dous larghueiros, e moitas travesas ou traveseiros xuntos. Están todos estonados (sacáronlle a tona ou casca). 

"Gate" made with round sticks, formed of two stringers, and many other perpendicular sticks. They were all peeled (the bark was removed from the wood).

A leira, logho de labrada e sementada, xa víndolle o fruto.

The ground after being worked and sown, which bore fruit. 

O muro do cerrado da leira, aínda en pé, mais con maleça en case todo o perímetro de baixo. 

The wall closing the farm, still standing, but with undergrowth in almost all its lower perimeter. 

Xeralmente, en todas partes, o típico son muros de pedra, feitos de mampostería.

Generally, in all the sites, the walls are of stone made of masonry.

Conta Salustiano "do Coxo" de Calo, pertençente ao Rueiro de Baixo (casara hai anos na casa dos de Ferrín de Pomar do Río-Cures), que daquela xa había curros de cabalos na Ghraña e, en Balteiro. Tamén en Cernadas, no monte de Santa Madanela. (El e súa muller, emighraran para Bilbao e, tiveron fillos alí. Leva moitos anos cegho e, vén de ves en cando coa súa dona, á casa de Pomar do Río.)
Salustiano of "O Coxo" = "The Lame", in the place of Calo, from O Rueiro de Baixo, was married years ago in the house of Ferrim, belonging to the village of Pomar do Río-Cures. He tells us that, already in his time, there were already fixed circular fences, in the villages of A Ghraña and Balteiro, where cut the mane of the horses. Also in Cernadas, which is on the mount of Santa Madanela. (Both of them emighrated to Bilbao and, they had children there.) His is blind since many years ago and, he comes frome time to time with his wife to the home of Pomar do Río.) 

Lembra que Chousa de Calo, ía coas bestas a Çernadas. En cambio, eles (os do Coxo), dirixíanse a Balteiro.
It does memory that Chousa of Calo, had the habit to go with the horses to Cernadas. However, they (the ones of "O Coxo" = "The Lame"), always went to Balteiro. 

Seghuindo co relato desta aventura, o ghrupo dos vintedous, prosigheu o desçenso para cheghar ao adro da ighrexa de Nebra, onde sempre façíanse as festas parroquiais.
Continuing with the relate of this adventure, the group of the twenty-two, continued the descent to arrive to the atrium of the church of Nebra, where always did the parish parties. 

A baixada, nalghúns sitios ten máis pendente que noutros. 

The descent of the road in some places, has more slope than in others.

Antes da repoboaçión forestal con pinos e, despois nos anos sesenta e pico, con arcolitos, os muros que acotaban as propiedades estaban todos en pé e ben coidados. Mais co paso do tempo, o abandono do campo e dos montes, as raíçes das árbores e a caída destes, como a entrada de máquinas, foron tirando partes destes muros. Incluso a maleça, está tapándoos.
Before reforestation with pines and, later in the decade of the 1960s, with eucalyptus, the walls delimiting the properties were all standing and well taken care of. But, with the passage of time and the abandonment of the countryside and the forests, the roots of the trees and the fall of these, as well as the entry of machines, have thrown in parts of these walls. Even the weeds is covering.


As primeiras casas de Nebra, que atopamos ao baixar a este punto.
These are the first houses of Nebra, that find when going down to this point.

As hortas, antes cultivábanse e hoxe vense moitas en campo. As viñas pódanse e cóidanse, pero non hai moito tempo cavábanse coa leghoña ou lighoña. E actualmente, só se lles apaña a herba ou mátaselle co líquido.
The orchards were once worked and taken care of, but today many are not worked. The vineyards are pruned and cared for, however not long ago, they were digging with the hoe. And currently, only the grass is cut or dried with a herbicide.

Por este monte, cadroume vir unha ves con miña nai apañar setas (chantarelas etç). Tamén arredor da aldea da Silva, de Nebra etç. Esto sería na seghunda metade da década dos anos noventa.
To this mount / hill / forest, I had the oportunity to come to collect mushrooms (chantarelas etc), with my mother. Also in the surrounding of A Silva, of Nebra, ... This was approximately, in the second half of the decade of the nineties.

Tramo final da baixada. 

Final strecht of the descent.

Cerre ou peche, na entrada dun monte particular. 

A closing at the entrance of a privately owned forest.

Dúas ghalladas de fieitos, ao pé duns carballiños e duns piñeiros ou, pinos.

Two piles of ferns, at the foot of small oaks and pine trees.

Camiño de carro que vai dar a unha casa. Cançelo que abre e pecha o paso. 

A cows cart road leading to a house. A gate that opens and closes the passage.

Muro de pedra de mampostería que estrema coa pista. Postes de pedra que sostiñan unha viña, xunto co seu terreo onde se asentaban as cepas.

Masonry stone wall, which adjoins the track. Stone posts that supported a vineyard, along with its land where the vines were settled.

Á esquerda, camiño de carro hoxe cementado. Vai a outra casa.

On the left, cows cart road. Today it is cemented and leads to another house. 


Cheghamos a un dos varios cruçes de Nebra que ten este punto cardinal sur. 

We arrive at one of the several crossroads of Nebra that has this south cardinal point. 

Hórreo ao fondo.

Granary on stone pillars, in the background.

Encarreiramos a nosa marcha. 

We lined up our steps.

Posible caixa onde están as chaves de paso para abrir ou cerrar a aghua da fonte. Tamén está este pequeno lavadeiro, con lousa de pedra para refreghar a roupa. 

This is, perhaps, a box containing the keys to open or close the water from the fountain. Also, there is this small laundry or small sink, with a stone slab to scrub the clothes.

Marco de pedra, para estremar unha propiedade ou, como sinal de algho. 

Stone cairn, to delimit some propierty or, indicating another sign of something.

Van e veñen as nosas amadas pedras. Están onde as xentes viviron, andaron, aghacháronse e miraron. A súa  querida estrutura e combinaçión, dinnos do amor e sabiduría dos nosos maiores e dos antepasados. 

Our beloved stones come and go. They are where the people lived, walked, hid and watched. Their beloved structure and combination tell us about the love and wisdom of our elders and ancestors.


Millo verde que madurastes en espighas douradas, para curarte nos hórreos e alimentar ás xentes e ós animais. 

Green corn that you matured in golden ears to then heal in the granaries on stone pillars and feed people and animals.

Leña, viñas, camiñiños que van e veñen por aquí e por alá. 

Firewood, vineyards, paths that come and go here and there.

Eses camiños que continuarán, mentres o home exista e pase por eles. 

These roads that will survive, as long as man exists and passes through them.

Miran, escollen e piteiran as ghaliñas e os parrulos.

They observe, choose and sting hens and ducks.

Vamos, que todo vai ben e, hai moito que ver e contemplar.

Come on, that everything is fine and there is a lot to see and contemplate.

Na media distançia, vemos ese hórreo que alberghará o millo para curar. Eses frutais que pasan desaperçibidos, floreçerán e darán a fruta saborosa.

That granary on stone pillars that we see in the middle distance, will lodge the corn to cure. The fruit trees that go unnoticed, will bloom and give the tasty fruit. 

Setas como casiñas de seres diminutos e invisibles. Son a súa protecçión, son o seu observatorio, son o seu amor. 

A row of mushrooms that look like little houses of small and invisible beings. They are your protection, they are your observatory, they are your love.

Adeus, adeus lughares encantados, que quedástedes no recuncho máis fondo dos coraçóns de quen vos habitou, e nos transmitides esa maxia inexplicable. 

Goodbye, goodbye enchanted places, that you stayed in a corner of the deepest of those hearts that inhabited you and, you transmit us that inexplicable magic.

Construcçións de dimensións humanas. Unhas están habitadas, outras por desghraçia, non. Enerxías que acompañan aos seus habitantes e que nas deshabitadas, está latente no seu ambiente. 

Constructions of human dimensions. Some remain inhabited, others unfortunately, no. The energies accompany their inhabitants and in the uninhabited dwellings they remain latent in their environment.

Tendes asentos, tendes partes dun todo que nos din: "Estamos aquí." Óense voçes profundas, que nos falan: "Queremos que veñades xunto a nós para dárnos vida e calor." 

You have seats, you have parts of a whole that tell us: "Here we are." Deep voices are heard, which speak to us: "We want you to come with us to give us life and warmth."

Tanto esforço en construír. Tan axiña en abandoar ou, en "marchar". 

So much effort in "doing". So quick to "leave it" or, in "go away".

Pedras inmemorias naçidas da terra, ¿qué foi de vós? 

Immemorial stones born of the earth, what were of you?


Se ten que ser así, que veña alghuén para amarvos. Mais, ¿a onde se foi toda a sabiduría, verbas, ofiçios, xeitos, expresións e costumes do mundo que conviveu con vós? 

If it has to be like that, let someone come to love you. However, where did all the wisdom, words, trades, ways, expressions and customs of the world that lived with you go?


As laranxas maduras desexan ofreçernos o seu sabor. 

The ripe oranges want to offer us their flavor.

Presinto miradas nas xanelas que non logro ver. Sei que hai algho que nos asexa.

I feel looks in the windows that I can not see. I know there is something that observes us.


Postes de pedra que non hai moito tempo, sosteron viñas. Estas, "dában" uvas que se "probaban" e façíase o viño con elas. 

Stone posts that, not so long ago, formed the base of the vineyards. They "bore" grapes to "taste them", as well as to make wine.

Qué traballo tan inxente ten a vida. Por todos os curruchos repártese beleça natural e, material. 

Life has a huge job. Natural and, material beauty is distributed everywhere.

Benditos sexan os espaços abertos que non se pechan, mais tamén poden dár intimidade. 

Blessed are the open spaces that do not close but that can also give us intimacy.

Perpiaños que un día formaban algho "vivido e soñado" por outro "ser humano". 

Rectangular granite stones that, once formed something "lived and dreamed" by another "human being".

Coles plantadas para comida da xente e, do ghando. 

Cabbages planted for the food of people and, cattle.

Este vaise, aquel vaise e todos se van ... Ou quedaron: reconvertidos, esquençidos, perdidos, ...? Tal vés viñeron "mudados"?

This one leaves, that one leaves and everyone leaves ... Or stayed: reconverted, forgotten, lost, ...? Maybe they came "changed"?

De costas ao sol, a miña sombra dime que esa casa reçibe lus solar e aleghría. Os seus habitantes queren dárlle paso á "vida". 

With my back to the sun, my shadow tells me that this house receives sunlight and joy. Its inhabitants want to let "life" enter.

As ghalerías, ademáis de fermosas, son unha prolonghaçión da vista que emana do interior e reçibe do exterior. 

The galleries, besides being beautiful, are an extension of the view that emanates from the interior and receives from the outside.

Vexetaçión e pedra, sempre combinaron ben. 

Vegetation and stone, always combined well.

Imos indo, e as pernas mais os pés, vannos levando. 

We are going, and the legs with the feet, they are taking us.

Ao sol dóranse as alturas, amigho dos froitos e os penedos. E, entre a claridade e as pedras, hai xúbilo de aleteos.

In the sun they gild the heights, friend of the fruits and hills. And, between the light and the stones, there is joy of flutters.

Cheghamos a un tramo por onde, os trintetrés moços subiron para o campo da festa. 

We arrived at a point where, the the thirty-three young people went up to the place of the party.

Corredoira que tamén leva hastra alá. 

Narrow path or "corredoira", which also leads to there.

Camiño prinçipal que vai polo medio da aldea. 

Main path that goes through the middle of the village.


A corredoira da que falamos antes. 

The narrow road or "corredoira", of which we spoke before.

Bifurcaçión, desvío, división, ramal.

Bifurcation, branch, division, fork, split.

Subida das escaleiras que vai dar ao campo da festa.

Ascent by the stairs that leads to the place of the party.

Ollada atrás.

Backward glance.

Bifurcaçión ou ramal que empata co camiño prinçipal. 

Diversion that connects with the main path. 

Vista da parte de atrás da "Fonte da Ighrexa".

Perspective of the back of the "Fonte da Ighrexa" = "Fountain of the Church". 


Un dos dous hórreos que está xusto por debaixo da ighrexa.

One of the two granaries on stone pillars thas is located just below the church.   

Volta outra ves, pola corredoira.

We return again, through the "corredoira" (narrow path).

Ghato enribas do muro do peche da casa.

A cat on top of the wall of the closing of the house. 

Saída ao camiño prinçipal.

Way out to the main paht.

Parte da casa, sen esquina.

Part of the house, without corner.

Escaleiras de fóra.

Outside stairs.

Camiño prinçipal.

Main path.

Enfiamos esta ruta.

We are heading for this route.

Contras exteriores de madeira.

External wooden shutters.

Hai un cruçe á esquerda, mais nós seghuimos dereito.

A crossing appears to the left, but we continue straight. 

Vemos á dereita a corredoira que visitamos anteriormente.

We observe on the right the "corredoira" (narrow path), which we visited previously.

Non a collemos e, seghuimos polo camiño prinçipal. 

We do not enter here, but we follow the main road.

Muros do adro da ighrexa e, hórreo. 

Walls of the atrium of the church and, granary on stone pillars.

Fondo do hórreo.

Bottom of the granary on stone pillars.

Baixamos ao seu carón e, 

We go down to his side and,

seghuimos polo asfalto todo recto.

continue straight on the asphalt.

Cançelo de entrada a patio ou, propiedade desta casa. 

Gate at the entrance of the patio or, property of this house. 

Carballo xunto a unha posible cereixeira. 

Oak next to a possible cherry tree.

Desvío a dereita que vai dar a un camiño de pés. 

Detour to the right, which leads to a path.

Volvemos por onde viñemos. Estes postes pedra indican que houbo unha viña sobor o camiño.

We go back where we came from. These stone poles tell us that there was a vineyard above the path.

As cepas que ghabean polo muro, teñen os seus anos. Vese que elas mesmas, foron adaptándose á altura do muro e, da viña que había tamén sobor o camiño.

The grapevines that climb the wall have their years. It is seen that they themselves, adapted to the height of the wall and, the vineyard thas was also above the path.

Cançelo típico de madeira, con tarabelo para pechar.

Typical small wooden gate, with wooden bolt to close.

Pouco a pouco, acheghámonos a unha corredoira a man dereita. Adentrámonos por ela.

Slowly, we approach a narrow path on the right. We follow him. 

O río que baixa, mais aghora leva pouca aghua.

The river descends, but right now it takes little water. 

Pequena ponte de pedra sobor o río, tapada pola herba.

Small stone bridge over the river, partly covered by grass.

Ao fondo hai un muíño que, desde aquí non se ve..

Theres is a water mill in the background that, from this position, cannot be seen.

Vexetaçión abondosa, que enghloba fighueiras e outros frutais.

Abundant vegetation, which includes fig trees and other fruit trees.

Retornamos ao camiño prinçipal,

We return to the main road,

a través da corredoira.

by this narrow path.

Seghuimos camiño arriba e,

We continue on the way up and, 

topámonos con estoutro hórreo á dereita.

found this other granary on stone pillars on the right.

Camiñamos a carón do muro.

We walk next to the wall.

Escaleiras á ighrexa e ao campo da festa.

Stairs to the church and the field of the party.

Desaghüe artesanal e, vista ao fondo da corredoira xa visitada antes.

Traditional drainage and, view to the bottom of the narrow path, already visited before. 

Volvemos ao cruçe onde están os hórreos e, baixamos a man dereita. 

We return to the crossroads where the granaries are on stone pillars and descend to the right.

E, outra ves a man dereita.

Et, encore une fois sur la droite.

Adentrámonos nun patio con viña e, vista de parte da aghra.

We enter a patio with vineyard, and view of part of the agricultural field, of several owners.

Dámos volta,

We came back,

para cheghar ao camiño prinçipal.

to get to the main path.

Noutro punto de acçeso polo oeste, á chan de Nebra.

In another access point to the west, to the Nebra plain.

Começan a verse cabaliños paçendo na herba. Pareçe unha éghoa, de cor castaña, quiçais a nai, coa súa poldriña pinta de cor castaño e, branca.

You can see horses grazing in the grass. It looks like a brown mare. Maybe it's the mother, with her little filly, brown and white.

Alghunhas terras, ao irse abandoando, inçan de fieitos e maleça. Dous vimbieiros (cor verde crara), entre a maleça. 

In the abandoned grounds, ferns and weeds are born. Two wicker (light green), among the undergrowth.

Unha éghoa deçidida a entablar amiçade. 

A mare determined to make friends.

Enfoques diferentes, coa fin de empatar estas dúas 
Different approaches, in order to join these two photos. 

Núcleo da ighrexa, coas casas e terras de labor arredor. 

Core of the church, with the houses and farmland around it.

A man dereita, vemos un prado,

On the right, we see a meadow,

con dous cabalos paçendo e, o monte da Enxa ao fondo.

with two horses grazing and, in the background, the mount of A Enxa.

Acheghándonos ao núcleo. 

Approaching the nucleus.

Outra perspectiva.

Another perspective. 

Desde outro punto de partida. En concreto, no cruçe de Cornido, abaixo na chan de Nebra.

From another starting point. More precisely, at the junction of Cornido, in the plain of Nebra. 

Ata o ano 2000 incluído, as festas da parroquia façíanse no adro da ighrexa. Foi, no ano 2001 cando se trasladaron á leira, onde hoxe están o centro soçial e o polideportivo. Así seghuiron neste novo terreo, ata que nos anos 2007 e 2008, pasaron a façerse neste cruçe de Cornido. Esto foi debido a que se estaba construíndo o local soçial e o polideportivo, ámbolos dous, comentados anteriormente. 

Until the year 2000 included, parish celebrations took place in the atrium of the church. It was in 2001 when they were transferred to an uncultivated field, where the social center and the sports center are nowadays. Thus they continued in this field, until in 2007 and 2008 the celebrations were transferred to this crossing of Cornido. This was because they began to build the social center and sports center mentioned above.

Diversos indicadores de distintos lughares, neste enclave. Cruçeiro dentro do patio desta casa.

Several indicators of different places, in this enclave. Cruise inside the patio of this house.

Collendo esta direcçión, en sentido norde - sur. 

We take this road, in a north-south direction.

Fotos mal tomadas, con efecto borroso. Vimbieiros coas follas prateadas, dobrándose ao son do vento. 

Defective photos, with blurry effect. Wickers with silver leaves, bending to the rhythm of the wind.

Vimbieiros e canavais, abaixándose coa força do vento.  

Wickers and reedbeds, bent by the force of the wind. 

Pallotes de millo (monllos = braçadas, de palla de millo xa "esfollado" = "sen a espigha". E, atados xeralmente con palla "colma", que se retorçe coas mans para servir de amarre). 
A palla "colma", vén sendo a palla escollida de calquera cereal: avea, cebada, centeo, trigho etç., aghás=exçepto a palla de millo.

Piles of corn straw (bundles of corn straw without the cob) and, usually tied with "colma" straw, which is twisted with hands to serve as mooring.

The "colma" straw is the straw selected from any cereal: oats, barley, rye, wheat etc, except corn straw.

Distintas árbores e arbustos que están nas beiras deste río. 

Different trees and shrubs that are on the banks of this river.

Follas de ameneiros, salghueiros, vimbieiros etç. 

Leaves of poplars, willows, wickers, etc.

Pequeno muro de pedra desta leira.

Small stone wall of this farmland .

Parte deste lughar.

A part of this village.

A "nosa" éghoa pinta, paçendo na herba.

"Our" piebald mare, grazing in the grass.

Aquela amigha do ano pasado, que aghora está de espaldas a min, ocupada nos seus "quefaçeres". 

That friend from last year, who is now on her back, busy in her "work".

Máis adiante, atopámonos con esta vaquiña e o seu puchiño.

Walking a little further, we find this cow and her calf. 

E, case enfronte delas, están estas ovellas "dando conta" desta leira en campo (alimentándose). 
And, almost in front of them, these sheep "take care of" this abandoned field (they feed themselves).

Vaise pondo o sol. 

The sun is setting.

Como inçan os fieitos e as silveiras, nas terras que xa non se traballan.

Ferns and brambles reproduce very quickly on abandoned grounds.

Ata o ano 2000 incluído, as festas da parroquia façíanse no adro da ighrexa. Foi, no ano 2001 cando se trasladaron á leira, onde hoxe está o centro soçial e o polideportivo. Así seghuiron neste novo terreo, ata o ano 2006 incluído. 

Until the year 2000 included, the parish parties were held in the atrium of the church. It was in 2001 when they moved to this field, where today is the social center and the sports center. So they continued in this new site, until 2006 included.

No ano 2007 e 2008, respectivamente, pasaron a façerse no cruçe de Cornido. Esto foi debido a que se estaba construíndo este local soçial e o polideportivo, ámbolos dous, comentados anteriormente.

In 2007 and 2008, respectively, they moved to the Cornido crossing. This was due to the fact that this social center and the sports center were being built, both mentioned previously.

Centro soçial, serviços, parque de xoghos e poliderpotivo de Nebra.
Social center, services, playground and sports center of Nebra.

Polo que respecta ao ano 2009, non houbera festas, polo menos por Santa Rita. En cambio, sí que se realiçaran actividades orghaniçadas por Ramón "de Xusto", de Calo-Nebra (fillo de Moncho e Manola) e, seu compañeiro Paco do Martelo. Estas actividades, consistían en xoghos ao aire libre para os rapaçes, coma o xogho da chave. E, tamén complementáronse con outros xoghos no local soçial, en construcçión.

As for the year 2009, there were no parties, at least for Santa Rita. On the other hand, other activities were organized by Ramón "de Xusto", of Calo-Nebra (son of Moncho and Manola), along with his partner Paco do Martelo. These activities consisted of outdoor games for children, such as the game of the key. Besides, they were complemented with other games in the social center, which at that time was under construction.

A partir do ano 2010, começaron façendo as festas neste polideportivo, e puxeron a cantina da Comisión de Festas, no exterior do centro soçial. Así vénse realiçando desde ese ano, hastra hoxe en día. 

From the year 2010, the festivities began to be made in this sports center, and the Commission of the Parochial Festivities, put the canteen outside the social center. In this way, it has been carried out since that year, until today.

A cabuxa ou, cabuxo (cría da cabra cando xa deixou de mamar). 

Goat or young goat (breeding of the goat when it has stopped suckling).

A burra. 

The female donkey, jennet or jenny.

A éghoa ou besta. 

The mare, or filly.

Unha ollada máis lonxana. 

A more distant perspective.

Feixe, ghavela ou monllo de corres de vimbios, xa algho secos. Empreghados xeralmente para abater e amarrar as viñas. Deixáronos ao lado dun colector do lixo. 

Bundle, or wicker sheaf, already a little dry. They are usually used to bend down or lower and tie the "labores", or new branches of the vine, in this year. They were left beside a dumpster.

Ao saír do campo da festa. A man dereita, sentido suroeste.

Leaving the field of the party. On the right, south-west direction.

A man esquerda, estrada sentido surleste.

On the left, heading southeast.

Camiño de carro con subida, 

Cow car path with rise, 

que leva a unha chan onde se atopa este hórreo.

which leads to a plain where this granary on stone pillars is.

Pinche sur 
South side

Fachada oeste
West facade

Pés e capas 
Feet and layers

Fachada leste, con porta de entrada.
East facade, with entrance door.

Diferentes ánghulos do entorno, tanto na marxe esquerda,

Differents angles of the surroundings, both on the lefth margin, 

como na marxe dereita.

as on the right margin. 

A man esquerda, casa sendo restaurada, con cubertos nas beiras.

On the left, house that is being restored, with adjacent sheds.

Tendo en conta que a patroa de Nebra, é Santa María, velaquí unha estatua da Virxe María co neno Xesús.

Since the patron saint of Nebra is Santa María, here is a statue of the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus.


Hórreo da casa. Cuberto ao fondo, con parte da parede de pedra e o resto, de cemento.

Granary on stone pillars, belonging to the house. Shed at the back, with part of the wall made of stone and the rest, of cement.

Conxunto máxico de outeiros ghraníticos, perto / preto das casas.

Magical set of large granite stones, near the houses.

Proseghuimos avançando pola banda leste.

We continue walking on the east side.


Núcleo da ighrexa ao fondo, coas casas arredor.

Core of the church in the background, with houses around.  

Presa e cubo do muíño. 

Channel and deposit of the mill.


Maçeira e outros frutais. Intúese que estes terreos, moitos deles eran brañas.

Apple tree and other fruit trees. It is intuited that these grounds, many of them were meadows with permanent water.  

Porta de entrada ao muíño.

Entrance door to the mill.   

Sartegho do muíño, onde está o reduçio e a mesa do reduçio. A aghua sae polo sartegho, façendo mover as "penas (espeçie de culleres), dispostas en círculo, e á súa ves, move o reduçio enteiro.

Bottom of the mill, where the wheel and the table of the latter are located. The water comes out through the bottom, making the spoons of the wheel move, arranged in a circle, and at the same time, moves the whole wheel.


Vexetaçión característica dos cursos de aghua.

Vegetation characteristic of water courses.

Pequena ponte. Casa de cor marrón-vermella, que ata prinçipios do ano 2000, foi taberna-¿ultramarinos? e estanco. 

Small bridge. Reddish-brown house, which until the beginning of the year 2000, was a tavern, corner store or grocery store? and tobacconist.

Naquel tempo, esta casa xa tiña viña ou parra diante da entrada. Véxanse os postes de pedra traballados, que son de antigho. 

At that time, the house already had a vineyard in front of the entrance. See the carved stone posts, which are old.

Fíxese que os outeiros, foron respetados e forman parte da paisaxe. De seghuro que moita pedra para casas, hórreos, muíños, ighrexa, muros etç., foi sacada destes sitios, aparte doutros puntos máis distantes. 

Observe that the rocks were respected and are part of the environment. Surely much of the stone with which they made the houses, granaries, mills, church, walls etc., was extracted from these sites, in addition to other / besides other more distant points.

Ao muíño, substituíronlle a tella do país por tella de fibroçemento. 

At the mill, they replaced the tile of the country with fiber cement tile.

Todo está unido e interrelaçionado: hortas, viñas, frutais, brañas, leiras, cubertos, casas, muíños, ... Tanto a terra, coma o aire e a aghua, forman parte dun mesmo ser. 

Everything is united and interrelated: orchards, vineyards, fruit trees, perennial water meadows, farmland, sheds, houses, mill, ... Land, air and water are part of the same being.


Cheghando ao centro neurálxico do lughar, onde se atopa a ighrexa, perto duns hórreos e, as casas están máis xuntas.

We are reaching the central point of the place, with the church next to some granaries on stone pillars and, a larger group of houses.

As casas típicas, é moi frecuente que teñen hortas, eiras e viñas ao seu arredor.

Typical houses, are very often surrounded by orchards, fields and vineyards.

Alghunhas casas son de perpiaño (pedras de ghranito rectanghulares) e, outras de mampostería (pedras irreghulares sen traballar). Hai vivendas que teñen perpiaños nunhas partes e, noutras partes mampostería. 

Some houses are made of rectangular granite stones and other houses are of masonry (irregular stones without working). There are houses that have both types of stone: rectangular granite in some parts and in other parts of masonry.

Relata tamén, Salustiano "do Coxo", pertençente ao Rueiro de Baixo, en Calo, parroquia de Nebra, que a fonte da ighrexa, naçía debaixo do cemiterio. Chámanlle "A fonte da ighlesia". No verán, se non chovía nada, secaba. Din que era unha aghua boísima. Alí bebían todos e iban a ela para façer de comer, cando aínda non había aghua da traída nas casas. Collíana en senllas e, en cacharros, para levar na cabeça. Está metida nun curruchiño e, polo que se ve, aínda permaneçe hoxe en día. Tiña un pichiño metálico, se cadra de ferro, tal como na actualidade. Posiblemente sexa o mesmo picho, ou xa cambiado por outro novo. Non sabe se había alghún lavadeiro neste sitio.

Also counts, Salustiano from "O Coxo" = "The Lame", belonging to O Rueiro de Baixo, in Calo, parish of Nebra, that the source of the church, was born below the cemetery. They call it "A fonte da ighlesia" = "The source of the church". In the summer, if nothing rained, it dried. He says the water was great. All the people drank there and, they always filled water there to make food, when there was still no water in the houses. They filled a wooden bucket and pots to carry on their heads. The fountain is located in a corner and, as you can see, it still exists today. It had a metal spout, perhaps made of iron, as it is today. Possibly it is the same pipe, or already replaced by a new one. He does not know if there was a laundry at this point.

Vindo en sentido distinto, entramos de novo por esta corredoira empedrada.

Coming in a different direction, we enter again through this "corredoira" (narrow path) and paved.

Porta de madeira, de "dobre folla", xa comesta na base pola podredume, a humidade e o tempo. 

Wooden door, "double sheet", already gnawed at the base by the rot, the humidity and time.


As construcçións en redondo, sen esquinas, fannos ver a relaçión cos castros dos nosos antepasados.

The constructions in round, without corners, cause that we see the relation with the forts of our ancestors.

Subida ata o camiño prinçipal e, á ighrexa.

Ascent to the main path and, to the church.

Volvemos cara diante.

We return forward.

Case rematando. Outra construcçión sen esquinas.

Almost finished. Another construction without corners.

Vemos pousas ou apoios, onde se asentaban os "ghuieiros" das viñas. Porque, era moi frecuente que houbera viñas sobor as corredoiras e, os camiños.

We observed some protruding stones, which were used as supports, where long and thick sticks were placed for the structure of the vineyards. It was very frequent and typical that there were vineyards above the narrow paths ("corredorias") and, also on the pahts of carts of cows.


Na outra man da corredoira, hai diferentes construcçións: casa, bodegha ou cuberto, todos restaurados. 

On the other side of the "corredoira" (narrow road), different constructions appear: house, warehouse or shed, all restored.

Un paso da escaleira. 

One step of the ladder.

Velaquí, todo o conxunto. 

Let's see the whole.

De novo, chegamos ao camiño prinçipal. 

Again, we reach the main path.

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